[1] ) "But purist Popperism is a contradiction in terms: purism is an instrument of stagnation, and quick and rapid change leave no time for much purification. I think Popper has trained his disciples to preach purified Popperism, and I think this is unhealthy." (Agassi 1975a:8) Siehe dazu auch Spinner (1982a).So sieht schließlich Spinner (1978a:7ff) in Lührs u.a. (1975a, 1976a) Beiträge von "Neokriras" versammelt, die den "Kritischen Rationalismus" mehr bekennen denn kennen.
[2] ) Wettersten (1992a:9f) liefert eine ausgezeichnete Situationsbeschreibung dessen, was sich als „Kritischer Rationalismus" dargestellt hatte: "This story is above all a story of how the positivist remnants of Popper's theory, which Popper unwittingly incorporated into it as he sought to account for the new developments in logic, were removed. In the 1960's Popper had developed for the first time a deductivist view of science. This view did not merely account for the new developments in logic. It was also realist and more openly integrated with psychology, as Külpe and his followers had long before intended.
Even this view was not good enough however. It could not adequately account for metaphysics and it deepened problems of rationality. These problems led to the break up of the Popper school. It was Joseph Agassi and William Bartley who first tackled some central problems which led to divisions. But they offered competing views. Hans Albert managed to state the views he developed in the late 60's so as to avoid taking sides in these conflicts. This was then useful, since it showed how one could move forward by applying a critical view of rationality in sociology, law, religion and more. But, if we want to go forward, this stance is not adequate today. It does not solve the problems which arouse out of Popper's view. Lakatos tried to transform the Socratic views of Popper and of Agassi into a dogmatic one but this view has lost its appeal. So new versions such as that offered by Watkins or Musgrave have been produced which seek to reconcile critical rationalism with traditions of justificationism. Inductivists such as Grünbaum or Salmon use the discovery of new problems to justify returning to or never having left old justificationist habits. But others have sought to solve the new problems in Socratic ways."
[3] ) "Dieser Streit kann und soll nicht durch friedliche Übereinkunft (amicabilis compositio) beigelegt werden, sondern bedarf (als Prozess) einer Sentenz, d. i. des rechtskräftigen Spruchs eines Richters (der Vernunft) ... Er kann nie aufhören und die philosophische Fakultät ist diejenige, die dazu jederzeit gerüstet sein muss." (Kant XI:297) Wenn Sölter (1996a:51) recht mit seiner Behauptung hat, dass Habermas viele ursprünglich von ihm angegriffene Thesen des Kritischen Rationalismus letztendlich doch selber übernommen hat, so ist dieser Schritt viel versprechender als eine möglichst große Anhängerschar. Es ist mehr Freude im Himmel über einen reuigen Sünder als über 100 Gerechte. Dennoch sind solche „Siege“ kein Beweis der Wahrheit der albertschen oder die Falschheit der habermasischen Position, sondern sind eher als vorläufige „Punktsiege“ im Kampf der Philosophien zu werten.
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