Dies ist der gebündelte Versuch einer Replik auf: Karl R. Popper, Das Elend des Historizismus, was eine Replik darstellte auf: Karl Marx, Das Elend der Philosophie, was eine Replik darstellte auf: Proudhon, Die Philosophie des Elends


Anschauung bei Hegel und Kant

Um eine Philosophie zu verstehen, muss man des besonderen Philosophen Auffassung von Sprache berücksichtigen. Diese hängt wiederum zusammen mit seiner (psychologischen) Erkenntnistheorie.

So bei Kant und Popper (Berkson, William / Wettersten, John: Lernen aus dem Irrtum. Die Bedeutung von Karl Poppers Lerntheorie für die Psychologie und die Philosophie der Wissenschaft. Hoffmann und Campe. Hamburg 1982, ISBN 3-455-09278-0);.

So auch bei Hegel:

"The kinship between the Hegelian and Kantian doctrines of intuition is obvious, but the deep difference, too, is worth noting. For Hegel as for Kant the content of intuition is in some sense the individual 'this here and now', and spatio-temporal intuition is the matter for the form of thinking. But kant's forms of intuition inform a sense-manifold passively received from the thing-in-itself, whereas Hegel's Intuition has a matter immanent in it, a lower self which ist activity consists in transcending and intellectualizing. It is true that in order to justify a priori synthesis in mathematics Kant offers his forms of intuition as at once and in one pure forms and pure spatio-temporal contents (manifolds), but how for purposes of empirical experience this pure spatio-temporal form-and-matter shoukd inform the thing-in-itself and presents, so to say, no credentials, remains a sheer mytsery. The content of Hegel's Intuition, on the other hand, traces a legitimate descent back to Nature through the continuous self-development pf Concrete Spirit.

Between passive and active, particular and universal, sense and thought there may be chasms which philosophy can never finally cross, but the demand thet they be bridged is of the very essence of philosophical thinking, and Hegel – though of course with Kant's help – came far nearer to fulfilling it than Kant. His dialectical treatment of spirit may restate the question, but so does any fresh solution of a philosophical problem whioch does not manipulate it into nonsense."

Mure, Geoffrey Reginald Gilchrist: A study of Hegel's logic . - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967, S. 6 f.

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